13. The Arrow function in JavaScript

Arrow functions, introduced in ES6 (ECMAScript 2015), provide a concise syntax for writing functions in JavaScript. They are particularly useful for writing shorter function expressions and are often used in situations where a simple, anonymous function is required.

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4. About Web Development Markup Languages

A Markup language is a method for defining the layout of content on a website or a digital document. Information refers to text and images, and layout refers to how this information are displayed to a user. Often people think markup language is a programming language, but it’s not. A programming language executes a specific set of functions, whereas a markup language focuses on the formatting, structure and the look of a website.

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2. Check if Python is installed

In my Bash Script (Python), I want to check if the Python program already has a .venv (virtual environment) present. If present, it returns a message, “.venv - virtual environment present”. If not, it creates a new .venv file. Below is the script that uses Python’s venv module to create the virtual environment.

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