
👋 Hey there! I’m Manoj Kumar, currently based in Sydney, Australia. Nice to meet you!


I am a full-stack web developer with skills in HTML/CSS, Python, Flask, SQLAlchemy, PostgreSQL, JavaScript, NodeJS, React and MongoDB. I’ve also worked with No-code platforms like WordPress, Webflow, Softr, Wix, Squarespace and Shopify.

My career

My career journey covers various industries – sales (direct and retail), student community building, international education, business development, ad operations, ad tech, operational excellence, project management and web development.

Bootstrapped ventures

I love bringing to life web apps that I’ve thought of! These are my launches so far: education.cv An online space to showcase everything you’ve studied! fitnessleafai.com AI-generated vegetarian recipes to match your daily calorie limits!

Things I do!

I love everything related to the internet - e-commerce, social media, digital advertising, web development and content creation! Check out my YouTube travel vlog at Check Out Australia I’ve also begun my journey as an indie author, publishing my first kid’s illustrated book Chester, the Purple Dino in 2024.

About this blog

I have a personal blog at emanoj.com where I write about things that interest me. Please check it out when you have time. However, this GitHub blog is specific to coding-related writing.

Contact me

Use this online contact form to reach out to me, or ping me on Twitter/x