12. Fixing an error in a JavaScript code

What is wrong with my below javascript code?

var johnDoe = {
    firstName: "John",
    lastName: "Doe",

    greet: function() {
        alert("My name is ") +
        this.firstName + " " +

All this code needs to do is display, “My name is John Doe”.

When I executed this in localhost, nothing appeared on the page. Just a blank page!
I knew it was something simple to fix, but couldn’t figure out what the mistake could be.
Finally, I asked my coding tutor who immediately said I wasn’t calling the method I created.

The expression I need to use is johnDoe.greet() and its called a method call.

In JavaScript, when a function is a property of an object, it is referred to as a method. In this case, greet is a method of the johnDoe object. Invoking johnDoe.greet() executes the greet method defined within the johnDoe object.

So, I corrected my code:

var johnDoe = {
    firstName: "John",
    lastName: "Doe",

    greet: function() {
        alert("My name is ") +
        this.firstName + " " +


When I checked again on localhost, I was happy to see an output but there was an issue!

Localhost screenshot

The name “Joe Doe” wasn’t appearing!

After a little more troubleshooting, I discovered I had the curved braces (parentheses) in the wrong place! The code should be as follows:

var johnDoe = {
    firstName: "John",
    lastName: "Doe",

    greet: function() {
        alert("My name is " +
        this.firstName + " " +


And that produced the below result:

Localhost screenshot


As my tutor says, “Having syntax problems isn’t a problem, it’s going to happen throughout your career - the important thing is that you know how to fix those once you realise where the problem is 😉”

I highly recommend this book, Beginning JavaScript by Jeremy McPeak and Paul Wilton.

Written on May 17, 2024
[ javascript  challenges  ]